About the studio.
Louise Christiansson
Teveddeli is a studio in Gothenburg, Sweden, founded in 2017 by designer Louise Christiansson. The studio is a collaborative collective, with an artistic practice positioned at the intersection of art, design and mechatronics. We aim to acknowledge concerns that apply to more-than-humans and unlock new perspectives on machines.
The Team.
Louise is a knitting human, one out of 7.8 billion of her species. She is a trained designer and has an MFA in Design from HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg and a BA in textile design from the Swedish School of Textiles/University of Borås. She has also studied Graphic design and Communication at Berghs School of Communication as well as Art history and Film studies at University of Gothenburg. Before her MFA and BA education she worked ten years in advertising as an art director and graphic designer. She is currently working as a freelance designer and as a lecturer in design at HDK-Valand.
Mary is an XYZ knitting other, the only one of her species. She can knit solid, three-dimensional objects, but only together with a companion human. Mary and Louise found each other at HDK–Valand in 2020 during Louise’s studies at the MFA programme in Design. Mary is currently undergoing metamorphosis to become Mary 2.0. She is a machine invention by Louise.
Siv is a knitting other. Born as a Silver Reed SK840, an electronic knitting machine with a metal bed of 200 needles. Siv and Louise has been a close knit team since 2016.
Luna is an electronic other. Born as an Arduino Uno, a microcontroller board. She has recently joined the team.
Teveddeli is an old dialect word from Bohuslän, a province on the west coast of Sweden. It means nice or agreeable. It is pronounced te-ve-dde-li. Even a Swedish native speaker can have difficulties to pronounce it right. Te-ve-dde-li. Say it really quickly to get it just right.